brand design

Sense 8 was a school collaborative project across multi-disciplinaries in LASALLE aimed to exercise co-operative and collective efforts amongst creatives. Here, Reyme had the opportunity to work with two students from the Performing Arts faculty and the other from Interior Design.
An ode to mental awareness, Sense 8 Café is a pop-up eatery that strives to challenge our five senses. This conceptual café aims to invoke as well as to educate about people with mental disabilities. In today’s age where everything operates through instant gratification, we as humans are susceptible to mental illness due to our hectic work schedules and the immense influence of social media.
This creates an unhealthy cycle of urban mental illnesses like depression, social anxiety, or other psychiatric disorder. The key to embodying mindfulness is to take a minute and be a keen observer of one’s surroundings. Using the five senses – sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch – Sense8 Café can help you take in the world around you.
Published in 2019
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Flex was a collaborative project within the LASALLE’s Fashion faculty. Students from Fashion Design and Fashion Media joined and put together a sustainable fashion exhibition showcase.
Describing FLEX as akin to the waves and currents, the human minds are undeniably teeming with unpredictability.
This is usually demonstrated with an abrupt and unaccountable change of moods and other mental conditions. From this, the group took inspiration from the human psyche through the lens of laborers that participated in the act of indigo dyeing. Through a study of labor in different Southeast Asian regions, the group arrived at a consensus that the laborers are often conflicted on doing what’s right for the environment vs doing the most for their poverty-stricken families.
Flex yearns to explore the intricacies of the human mind translated on the artisanal couture wearable pieces designed by BA (Hons) Fashion Design & Textile Student, Mazri Ismail.
Published in 2019
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A project-based of Modest Fashion, Reyme interpreted the term ‘modesty’ differently. He took inspiration from the Tao religion and crafted a bespoke jewelry brand that centers around its beliefs and ideologies.
Inspired by Tao cosmology and balance, STATE strives to inspire stylish contemporary women who crave thought-provoking ideas and intelligent conversations. She appreciates the arts and culture and has a penchant for luxuriously made accessories.
The Tao concept of modest harmonious living is based on the coexistence of opposites. With creation comes decay and without separation, unity will not be valued. Opposing forces are complementary and are required to foster diversity and harmony. Cosmic forces clash to create novelty, complexity, and diversity in mankind. Since cosmic molecules are constantly changing and are correlated to one another, no truth can be defined in a particular time frame. Instead, truth is just a representation of our existence with reference to a time or space that we exist in. The Tao is a continuous cycle of creations and destructions and this, in turn, balances out the yin and yang. The five elements work hand in hand to create balance and unity that exists within the Tao.
Published in 2018
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