3D design:
The making of avagram
Codename: @avagram.ai
Avagram was Reyme’s final year graduation project in LASALLE College of the Arts. This project was thoroughly researched and executed for a duration of a year.
The objective of this project was to design and brand a fashion avatar, Ava Gram as a forever 22-year-old virtual influencer who champions social and political beliefs in Singapore through social media. The account aims to target the following from millennials and generation z from the ages of 21 - 35 years old who are digitally driven consumers and are responsive to today’s social & political climate. Ava was designed to look like a racially ambiguous Singaporean individual. The physical traits were carefully selected from extensive research that showed the demands of what the society deems appealing to look at.
As a fashion avatar, she aims to use her influence to talk about issues that are currently happening in Singapore such as the Covid-19 pandemic, racial inequality, and gay rights. Her content and captions usually go hand in hand as it is used to tell a story or an opinion about the news that was just recently read up on. For example, a recent introductory video post of Ava was a response to her followers questioning her existence. Her caption answers, “For those questioning my existence, I’m as real as you think I am.” I hope soon, Ava becomes more than just a synthetic media and becomes a household brand in Singapore. A brand that is known to spark important conversation in Singapore, and not just selling a fashion product. Avagram still continues to operate after graduation.
Published in 2019 - 2020
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Also, you can view the PDF version of Ava's design process and development.